Thursday, July 17, 2014

Summer Strawberry Sherbert

Every weekend we hit the local farmer's market and now is the height of the summer berry season.  The rest of the year the strawberries just don't taste the same and are often shipped from greenhouses in California all the way to New York.  Well, I'm trying to enjoy the most of the berry season as the summer is winding its way down.  This is one fruit my kids will just eat, and eat and eat.  I love it!

Our ice cream maker has been getting a bit of a workout with the hot summer weather.  I've been making a lot of fruit sorbets. Making a frozen dessert keeps the berries around a bit longer than just gobbling them all up right from the basket. Strawberries and cream kept on calling me, but summer season begs for a slightly lighter alternative. I looked at several strawberry sorbet recipes and adjusted it a bit to make this strawberry sherbet.  I was inspired by David Lebowitz's Perfect Scoop cookbook and the Tasty Kitchen blog. The strawberry flavor is intense and cannot compare to any store bought strawberry ice cream. My kids are brutally honest taste testers and this one got a high-five!

Summer Strawberry Sherbert


1 lb. Strawberries, washed and hulled

3/4 cup granulated sugar

1 teaspoon lemon juice

1-1/2 cups whole milk

1.  Slice the strawberries and toss with the sugar.  Cover ad let sit for 1 hour so that the strawberries let out their natural juices.

2. Place the strawberries into a blender.  Blend until smooth.

3. Strain the strawberry seeds through a fine mesh strainer.  You may need to press the pulp and seeds with the backside of a wooden spoon to get all the juices.  

4. Add the lemon juice and milk. Stir to combine and chill thoroughly, preferably overnight.

Freeze according to the ice cream maker directions.  Note: I find my ice cream maker must be well chilled at least 24-36 hours in advance.

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